Global Distribution Conference
“Winning As One”
Brocket Hall, United Kingdom
October, 2009
Mr. Paul Adams
BAT Chief Executive
Mr. Lirim Fezollari
THG Managing Director
Global Distribution Conference
“Winning as One"
Brocket Hall, United Kingdom
June, 2011
International The Arc of Europe Quality Award, Frankurt - Germany, 2011
On 27 June, the 37th annual meeting of the international company Business Initiative Direction (B.I.D) in Frankfurt (Germany) held a ceremony of conferring awards the quality recognition International Arch of Europe Award (IAE). Among 65 companies nominated from around the world, the recognized leaders in line areas, Albania was awarded the prize in the category “Gold”.
June, 2011
Global Distributors Conference
“Winning as One: Driving in the fast lane”
Zurich, Switzerland
September, 2012
A simbol of gratitude from our partner Peja Beer,
for the successful collaboration with Kuinda shpk.
January, 2013
Republic of Kosovo
"Gratitude for the contribution given to the economic development of the Republic of Kosovo"
February, 2018