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We consider Marketing as it should be: an important aspect in our distribution business, contributing greatly to the success of Tobacco Holding Group and brands represented by our company. We believe in our products. There’s no tricks, no secrets, it’s just the enthusiasm, the energy and determination of our staff that reflects real values of brands THG represents.

  • ABL – Our brands has been advertised through every possible tool of above the line marketing; magazines, newspapers, television commercial and radio spots, outdoor advertising like  billboards and city lights.
  • BTL – Leaflets, brochures, catalogues are produced to contact directly the customers and give them a full package information about our products and services. Word of Mouth – is an important way of doing marketing, but now days we are aware that its power is bigger because of the internet.
  • Sales Point Promotion  – Focus on what customers need and thinking like a customer; they need information about our brands and services and to feel appreciated. Many promotions activities are planned in order to fulfill customer needs informing them about anything new or innovative by offering special rates and gift materials.     
  • Hypermarkets – Between THG and hypermarkets or local markets exists a productive relationship. Our products are present in every market or store. When a fair or specific event is organized in Hypermarket, THG is always there, with its brands and special offers. .
  • HoReCa – Tobacco Holding Group is a good partner of HoReCas, by signing exclusive agreements and giving its financial and material support to their parties or events.
  • Events – Every brand has the intention and promotion that deserves, organizing events with international artists, increasing brand awareness and visibility.


Quality of our products and services is our best advertising.