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Royal Salute begins where other whiskies end. Created as the pinnacle Scotch whiskey by Chivas Brothers in 1953, in honor of the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II.
One of the world’s finest Scotch whiskies, Ballantine’s is the world’s No 2 Scotch Whiskey. The Heritage of Ballantine’s can be traced back to the year 1827.
It began when Paul Jones, Jr., the founder of Four Roses Bourbon, sent a proposal to his belle and she replied that if her answer were “Yes,” she would wear a corsage of roses on
Jameson is the world’s N°1 Irish whiskey and is amongst the elite of the fastest growing international spirit brands in the world. Since 1780, the founder of Jameson, John Jameso
The world’s most popular Italian bitter digestive since 1815. Ramazzotti is the perfect drink to enjoy with friends: at the bar, at the restaurant or at home.