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Kuinda sh.p.k

Is the best partner of Tobacco Holding Group,  This company was established on November 09, 1995 and products distributed by Kuinda are successful in Albanian market.


Peja Beer and Akull Water (originated in Kosovo) exclusively believed their distribution to Kuinda, as a constant successful company. The first products of Peja Beer Brewery are produced in 1971. Nowdays, thanks to many investments in new production lines, technology, energy, infrastructure, marketing as well as in other sectors, Peja Beer is the main pretender company to dominate the beer market.

Seriousness and professionalism, are the batteries that recharge the engine of our company, making  their products very well known in Albania market in a very short time. THG meets its objectives in a very short time by making Albanian market.



Head Offices 
Rr. Feridon Fezollari, ish Kombinati Ushqimor, Tiranë, Shqipëri

Tel: +355 4 2263089 / 2245769
Fax: + 355 4 2254977

Pogradec branch offices
Lagjja Nr. 5, Rr. Unazë, Pogradec, Shqipëri

Tel:  +355 (0) 83 222 313
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]