Corporate Responsibility
Tobacco Holding Group’s purpose is to discover better ways to make a difference in everything we do. We are not just distributors of many successful products; we fulfill our mission to conduct the values and integrity our activity conveys.
We are aware that our social, environmental and ethical conduct has an important impact. THG counts on Social Responsibility policies, which operate as regulating system whereby our business, encourage activity according the law, ethical and international norms. THG has its effective advertising code and gives its support to ensure that advertising is directed to the target market—the consumer of legal drinking age—and that it does not stimulate an drinking behavior which is inappropriate.
Social Responsibility activities relate to the fact that we are not satisfied just with ensuring that our products are used safely (on every product of our company we set an information label of all ingredients of product. This way the consumer is well informed about the product he’s going to use). Based on Social Responsibility, THG ensures that needs of employees are fulfilled; work environment is safe and job is rewarding; their rights are respected; the environment in which they work improves continuously, and they are positively engaging the culture in which operate.
Our company has contributed as a donor and will continue to give its generous help to improve the life of orphans and homeless children of “Zyber Halluli”, SOS village and to old people of Public Asylum in Tirana.
Responsibility embraces every operation. By doing so, THG encourages positive effect through its activities on the environment, consumers, employees and all other members of the public sphere.