Error message

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Logistics and distribution department represents the backbone of our daily activity. The objective of this division is obtaining the optimum level of demand and service, minimizing the costs. 

Key strengths

  1. Requirements, documents, procurement, physical movement and storage of the products are projected and coordinated in the best way.
  2. Every customer order or request is considered important.
  3. Delays are the death of sales. Based on this statement the supply chain is highly managed and organized. Every order is provided systematically in time, all over the country. 
  4. Implementation of Pocket PC (Palmare) combined with Microsoft Navision system, one of the most developed financial system, gives the chance to have the right qualifications.
  5. Investments in logistic and transport, improving day by day our customer services.
  6. Products are stored in reliable warehouses, where are positioned in pallet racks based on specific weight of each product. Our warehouses meet the European standards, with all necessary equipments and machines to load and unload goods, preparing them for delivery any time.


Warehouse system: pallet racks (drive-in, pushback and drive-thru)
Tobacco Holding Group warehouse – 2180 m2
Kuinda warehouse – 1200 m2
Next warehouse – 600 m2
Exclusive  Group warehouse – 1700 m2


Tobacco Holding Group provides a developed transportation system, including over one hundred and seven distribution vehicles as vans, trucks, in order to move the products to customer directions, from East to West, from North to South of Albania, from THG point of origin to the final destination.